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Friday, 17 April 2015

100% Beautiful

**This is quite a long post so if you're not into emotional, controversial topics, I suggest you stop reading now and come back tomorrow* 

'Eww, shes so fat!'
'Does he ever stop reading? Such a nerd!'
'You can see her bones... Not attractive!'
'She's so loud, way too over-confident!'
'He's wearing a pink shirt, he must be gay!'

Listed above are a small fraction of modern day insults that get thrown around like they can't seriously damage someones self esteem. Well, reality check- they can. And I know how much they can hurt, so I'm hear to tell you that if you ever hear one of those insults, you should simply walk away, because you do not deserve that kind of negativity in your beautiful life. You're worth something. You were brought into this world for a reason, and that reason was not to put up with ignorant people who think they rule the world. Here are a few points that people sometimes get judged for...

First, lets start off at the point many people, girls and boys alike, sometimes forget; and that's being yourself. You were made to be different, why do people want to blend in with the crowd? If you're told that you're too weird, or too loud, or eat too much, or wear too much makeup, or anything like that, then do you know what you should do? YOU SHOULD DUMP THEIR ASS. You don't deserve to be around people who don't have the back bone to accept you for who you are, and you shouldn't stand for it. If you want to be weird, then go ahead. If you want to be loud, who's stopping you? You eat too much? Haha, not possible, you eat that cake girl! Sometimes, you've got to get the courage, as hard as it may be, to tell them how you feel. If they're your friend, they'll listen. If not, you never needed them anyway. Be yourself. Everybody else is already taken.

Now the bit that quite a lot of us have been the target of, and that's judgment. We have probably all been judged in our lifetime, whether its about our hair, the way were walking, or the way that we dress. And sometimes, its not nice, and even if you know this person quite well, they might think that something that you're doing is... weird. I like it when people describes them self as weird, because this means that you're fully aware how you act is weird, and you're proud of it. If you can say to someone 'Yes, sometimes i can be quite weird', then you're showing them and yourself that you know that you can act strange, but you're not going to change that, because thats who you are! So the next time you walk past someone and they look at you funny, or have a giggle to their friend, smile to yourself and think 'I've done my job',

And last but not least is changing yourself to look like someone else. Whether this is a celebrity or a person that goes to your school, we've all had a phase where we want to copy their exact move and style. But we just have to remember that everyone is perfect in their own way. You're probably sat sighing at your computer as soon as you read those words, because they're used so often and sometimes not in the right way. Yes, that girl might have blonde hair and blue eyes, but whats wrong with your brown hair and green eyes? That girl may be a size 8, but whats wrong with a size 14? That boy might have an 8 pack, but whats wrong with your toned stomach? Sometimes, we worry about the things on the outside more than we do on our insides, which isn't good. Of course, everyone would like to look like a model, or a pop star, or a football player, but unless you know them personally, i guarantee that by the time they start talking, it will seem like you've lived your entire life loving them for their looks instead of what really counts; their personality. Then again, they might be really nice people, but you don't know that. But you DO know what you are, and how you look without all the editing, and how you act and how you feel. So all you need to worry about is yourself, and not trying to look like anyone else, because even though you might not believe it, you are: 


P.S. If anyone ever wants to talk or wants some help with their problems, you can email me at: and I'll try my best to help, I'm here for you always!


  1. This is such an amazing and powerful post! I couldn't agree more!
    I suffer with BDD so I am always trying to change myself and comparing myself. - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  2. aww this is such a strong and inspirational post, i really admire you for sharing this for us all to read. Lots of nice, kind reassuring words & SO relatable too! Loved this lydia & you too remember that your not alone :) x x

  3. Great post my dear :) So strong and beautiful!
